A Great New World…

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…or something like that. So, Hello, I have decided to start blogging. (Spell check doesn’t like that word.) The great thing about blogs (nor that word) is that I don’t have to watch all my grammar and formating techniques. Being a college kid is great, I can stay up all night (not that I do that,) I can sleep until 11 or noon on Saturdays (or that,) and then, I can eat two varieties of sweet cereal with chocolate milk for breakfast… while drinking coka-cola. Ah, the life of an academically focused no-lifer.

Well, I’m in the Lone Star State, and they really don’t know how steady weather patterns work. Yesterday, it was 25 degrees, there was snow covering the ground, and we had a huge campus-wide snowball war. Today, the temp is 46 degrees, and it’s supposed to reach 65 sometime… Crazy right?

So far, school is fun! I’m enjoying my classes, Dr. Olson has to be the most awesome English professor alive. Engineering is looking to be a challenge, but really, why would you want it any other way? Lots of homework, lots of awesome friends, a large concentration of very geeky people everywhere… Welcome to Letourneau!

If you actually read this far… I congratulate you, and bestow upon you the gift of the knowledge that you would have or will made/make me happy if I would have/do find out that fact.

Have a Nice Life,
Chris Schultz